First, I did not cry nor did I LoL after my fluid midterm.
Today my class at CLC and it was supposed to be 8am to 10 am but the lecturer released us early at 9.30am. I was in need of going to the toilet but from experience, from 9am to about 10am the toilets in CLC was under maintenance (cleaning). So I went to the neighbouring block which was FOSEE (meant for Foundation students) to find myself a toilet.
Arriving there, I met a cleaner coming out from the toilet. This was how it went...
Me: Kak, boleh saya guna? (pointing towards the toilet)She gave me a stare and said...
Kak: Kamu dari CLC ke?Noticing her unhappy face, I quickly replied...
Me: Tak, saya dari class sini.Not sure what she said already but she started ranting about how she just cleaned the toilet and a few guys from CLC came and caused a blockage in the "peeing column" and the whole floor was wet...then I followed her into the toilet, and she started pointing to the column...
Kak: Sini lah, mana boleh buang benda dalam ni. Yang benda itu sudah takde (refering to the trap that keeps solids from entering the drainage) mestilah sumbat. Tengok lah lantai! Semua banjir sampai ke luar.Me: Oh...Then I went in to one of the section (the one that you can do big business in) and did my business while she continued complaining that other people will make a complain about the toilet and she will get caught in the fire. When I came out she wasnt there anymore.
Me: Haih...pity her...some people just dont know how to use a toilet...Walking half way back towards CLC (CLC and FOSEE is connected by a bridge on the first floor), she called out to me with a smile on her face...
Kak: Dik! Kamu dari CLC ya...In that split second I thought of telling her the truth which was, if I had told her I was from CLC in the beginning, she would right away shoot me without thinking. But I thought, aih..forget it...
Me: Takde la kak...Saya dari class sana (pointing towards FOSEE).Kak (being persistent): Mana? 000 berapa? (the 000 refers to the lecture hall number)Me (still not giving up): Saya dari atas satu tingkat, hujung sana.Kak: Habis kenapa tak guna tandas dekat atas? Atas pun ada tandas.At this point, thankfully I know the layout of the building cause I studied here before...
Me: Tandas kat sana ada satu itu (refering to the peeing column and doing hand gesture) saja dan satu itu (refering to the section for big business). Tadi ada banyak orang...Finally she stopped being persistent and swallowed my story...
Kak: Tapi saya tak faham lah...kenapa budak CLC datang sini? CLC pun ada banayak tandas apa...kenapa tak pergi situ? Kenapa mesti datang sini...Me: Setahu saya kak, kira-kira pukul sembilan hingga sepuluh, tandas kat CLC sedang dibersih. Jadi semua tandas tak boleh guna.Kak:Oh, dia ada letak ini ya (using her mop to lean against the wall and then used her hands to draw a cross on the air).Me: Ya, kak. Mereka tutup jadi tak boleh guna. Kakak pun boleh letak macam tu.Kak: Kakak tak nak letak sebab kesina juga. Tapi guna pun janganlah sampai kotorkan...Me: Mereka tak tau gunalah kak...Kak: Tak fahamlah saya. Ada sekali, satu budak tu kakak selalu jumpa dia. Dia selalu cakap dia suka guna tandas kat sini sebab bersih.Then she went on talking...there was one guy who is christian, studied for 5 years here, work in Singapore, still Malaysian, people like him knows how to take care of their own image, anak Malaysia...
and after that, another story about a guy who just went and piss went she was right beside him mopping. She even made the gesture LMAO!
Kak: Budak itu...kak dekat tepi saja tengah lap lantai, dia boleh...(while acting like the guy holding his wee wee). Kalau adik, adik rasa malu tak...Me: mestilah malu.Kak: dia ni tak langsung...boleh dia kencing...saya kat sebelah aje.After that, I tried to take my leave coz I got another class (tutorial actually) coming up. She wished me good luck studying and bye bye...
But seriously...damn lot of
idiots dont know how to keep the toilet clean. If go to the toilet before they clean...beside the toilet bowl got damn lot of tissue papers...once I was
unlucky enough to meet with a lump of
dried up shit! No matter how many times I didnt move an inch. I even tried shooting it with the hose...still didnt budge! Seriously WTF! The fella must have consumed some kind of super glue.Conclusion is, although many consider themselves as city or high class people but their toilet skills are below that of an animal! Even a dog knows how to cover their shit with sand...Such disappointment.